Sunday, August 1, 2010


The theme of Social injustice valiantly underscored by several Latin American socialists has undoubtedly been afflicting Humanity ever since our ancient Neolithic ancestors gave up their traditional nomadic way of life for the benefits derived from permanent settlements at the banks of rivers and lakes at the dawn of our current civilization circa nine millennia ago. Since the institution of agricultural production gradually evolved from the most rudimentary types where output was equally divided among small settlements of nearly “equal” settlers (primitive communism) into increasingly more sophisticated methods of large scale harvest - required to feed growing populations – mankind was compelled to implement the concept of land ownership, thus embarking upon the long, perilous road towards the ever growing levels of inequality, injustice and oppression of the “Many” by the “Few”.

Because of these monumental changes, the indispensable conditions were set for the rise of the first great civilizations in Summer, Egypt, China and Central America, whereby mankind sowed the foundations a historic, millenary dilemma: the introduction of an underclass of poor peasants/workers continuously exploited, across the ages, by self-indulgent secular and religious minorities owning the means of production. Although the growing wealth of the elites was built, maintained and increased on account of the sacrifices of continuously subjugated masses, they were often held in slavery or serfdom, as wretched “creatures” at the bottom of the social strata.

Despite this dramatic summary of human socio-economic history, it is unnecessary to prescribe to extremist political philosophies in order to concur with valid claims outlined by socialist intellectuals a propos the plight of the oppressed classes and the resulting extreme income disparity, the remarkable distinctions of rights and privilege, and the unfair dissimilarity between a small, overly- indulged group of owners of under-utilized fields versus countless millions of dispossessed laborers.

Notwithstanding historical inequalities and social injustice, any well-intended political activist striving for the elimination of these unacceptable conditions should take a step back and seriously consider the actual outcome of adopting so-called noble ideals containing exceedingly dangerous and deceptive political philosophies lest they might permit logic and wisdom to be blinded by lunacy and raw emotions. In order to avoid the inevitable and incalculable blunders that would surely follow decisions to implement an authoritarian (Leninist) system based on Marxism, well intended revolutionaries and/or decision-makers who are not blinded by obsessive ideology should strive to appraise the long-term results of any such consideration, based on extensive historical data, which would follow a theoretical revolution, namely:

• Establishment of a centralized, governmental body (representing a powerful political oligarchy)
• Suppression of any opposing faction (along with any organization that might be considered reactionary)
• Imposition of censorship in all means of communication (thereby curbing dissemination of all subsequent events)
• Confiscation of all private property (all existing real state, luxury items, arable land and industrial facilities)
• Establishment of Five-Year economic plan (elimination of market forces, estimation of what will be needed)
• Imposition of an official Ideological guideline to which everyone should adhere (including the previously oppressed masses which the revolution allegedly attempts to liberate)
• Adoption of a “free” educational system (with the same previous available resources to be share by every child whereby the quality of such an education would be limited by topics deemed to be in conformity with the previously mentioned ideological guidelines)
• Suppression of free flow of individuals across the national territory

Due to revolutionary measures adopted by the Socialist state,
Sincere and realistic analysis of these unavoidable revolutionary measures, historically adopted by Socialist States, would undeniably demonstrate that, within a few decades, the following scenario would be nearly inevitable.

• Massive amounts of confiscated land/property/luxury items would mysteriously be assigned to the NEW ELITE (the upper echelons of the “Communist Party”), whose privileged members would literally benefit from the use of “state assets” assigned or given as compensation for “services rendered to Socialism”.
o In essence, these “rewards” represent nothing short of formalizing theft (of the previously LEGITIMATE owners by a new (hypocritically labeled “Vanguard”) Group of Party officials’
• Massive lags in production activity resulting from a few subsequent disastrous 5-Year plans responsible for shortages on literally every item, inefficient distribution of goods and massive lines for every product.
o In essence, this impose a multitude of difficulties for the citizenry , as entire families must assign the additional arduous task for individuals to queue for hours in order to purchase basic items (food, shoes, clothing, etc) without any guaranties vis-à-vis the available and/or quality of any such goods.
o Most importantly, such abysmal production system would be nevertheless broadcast as successful ventures meriting praises of the “superior” socialist way of live”.
• The unavoidable appearance of BLACK MARKETS - which although officially classified as “illegal”, would be widely tolerated, as they would benefit the new SOCIALIST elite;
o In essence, this phenomenon would surely trigger a very high but UNOFFICIAL inflation as many items would be available at exorbitant prices (but not considered by official economists)
• Centrally Appointed Local governing bodies would possess nearly absolute authority to implement and interpret a newly established (and so-called “democratic) socialist legal system
o In essence, due to pre-existing personal conflicts, greed, lust, and sheer conceit, multiple cases of coercive methods (blackmail, rape and fabrication of false criminal evidence) along with “theft” of any residual confiscated goods (which could be utilized for compensating Bloc Monitors, black marketers, and extortionists)
• The introduction of Block /Rural Zone MONITORS into the fabric of this castigated society, whose members would be empowered to keep an eye on neighbors and/or family members throughout the nation’s urban, industrial and agricultural sectors.
o In essence, this repressive step would not only undermine further the daily lives of an abused citizenry, but also exponentially increase corruption, as many “patriot socialists” would volunteer in order to derive personal benefits from the oppressed residents within his/her jurisdiction; whereas others would be coerced into this role by virtue of blackmail or intimidation
•The emergence of two parallel Foreign Currency Markets
o One official , designed to serve diplomats and foreign residents (but also available to the New Socialist Elite), while the other unofficial (Black Foreign Currency Market), which would exist “underground” yet everywhere - most likely reflecting the ACTUAL value of the Socialist currency, and hence exerting additional inflationary pressure (yet, surely excluded by government economists).

As for the original masses of underprivileged peasants and workers whom the “New Socialist State” was supposed to “liberate,” they would continue subsisting with scarcely any improved conditions, since they would also be subject to the very same inefficient and stressful settings introduced by the authoritarian polity holding sway over the new establishment. Essentially, the resulting polity would comprise a National Labor Camp of terrorized citizens collectively enduring the harsh reality of long hours of labor tainted with neglect (given the absence of personal incentives and disagreeable working conditions) followed by considerable additional time spent queuing for scarce, less diverse goods and services, where earning would accumulate with a devalued currency which could not be spent given the near absence of entertainment & products. Moreover, these grim conditions would be worsened by the loss of individual liberties/privacy, exposure to oppressive vigilance and subjection to an unreliable and fiat legal system (a make-shift legal charade), the inefficacy of which would never transpire given the highly censured nature of networks and the press.

Finally, in light of the new “socialist reality”, there would be huge increases in alcoholism among the highly oppressed population – as it constitutes a major (sole) “escape valve” for accumulated frustration, fear and hopelessness, whereas also attempting to compensate for a bleak, pointless existence without entertainment, and devoid of Liberty, thereby scarcely meeting the objectives of original socialist intellectuals which valiantly struggled for the implementation of an unrealistic Socialist Polity of disappointed dreamers and hypocritical ideologues.

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