Monday, September 20, 2010


According to EPOCA magazine, the Brazilian president – Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva - made a frightening pronouncement during a recent visit to the city of Recife (the capital of his home state, where he is allegedly considered a sort of "semi-god"):

"I have considered establishing a strong body, where all forces that have supported us, would be duly merged; thereby ensuring that “we the people” never again permit that a future president suffer as much as I have…”

Because the report from the above-mentioned Brazilian magazine covers a topic I have analyzed during the past several months, I believe that this frightening declaration may have been released by President Lula by accident, thereby providing an excellent insight into the real (macabre) intentions of the socialist government which Dilma Rousseff is likely to establish… Hence, I am convinced that this extremist candidate will consider adopting measures and embracing policies that would be significantly more radical than those implemented during the past eight years, given her certified association with a brutal revolutionary group (responsible for a slew of unforgivable terrorist crimes) during the military regime (1960’s), and the inescapable support she receives from Hugo Chavez.

Using the wise words of the same Brazilian publication, the actual intention of PT would be the establishment of an anesthetized democracy, which would institute a people’s " POLITICAL ORGANISM " designed to neutralize the Brazilian National Congress, thereby implying that the existing democratic rules were no longer satisfactory; in its stead one would consider adopting a "direct link" of the executive power to the “masses” in order to "defuse” the powers of the Senate, which today continues as one of the few institutions capable of providing an effective counterbalance to an increasingly authoritarian central government, as it remains capable of stopping some of the dangerous actions originating from PT officials.

Consequently, the customary Brazilian political apathy is likely to cost us, this time, an extraordinarily high price, because as soon as the Brazilian people blindly permits the gradual positioning of totalitarian currents, we shall be automatically deprived of the precious gem called “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION”, which several young Brazilians probably take for granted, and the permanent loss of which most of them seem unable to actually conceive… Nonetheless, a brief casting of the eyes towards a northwesterly direction (Caracas) would be sufficient for any reasonable Brazilian to see how much has been dismantled and/or destroyed by the deceptive and oppressive Hugo Chavez since 1998, when he was originally elected under false pretences. Indeed, as soon as he censured the Venezuelan newspapers and silenced the TV networks, this totalitarian ruler instantly started strengthening governmental control over all political, economic and social aspects of his country, while restricting or eliminating the remaining democratic institutions, in conformity with GRAMSCI’s radical methodology (which prescribes the necessity of a peaceful formation of “non-military dictatorships” in a peaceful, legitimate and democratic fashion in order for any nation to successfully establish a Socialist State).

Therefore, due to the typical political inertia of the Brazilian citizenry, the political parties of the loyal opposition, and various municipal, state and federal institutions/organization across the Federation, along with the disciplined and obedient silence of the "new Armed Forces" (duly infiltrated and manipulated by the governing party during the past eight years), the deceptive government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wisely utilized the entirety of his mandate to set up the "initial phase" of a clever and discrete plan, in conformity with São Paulo Forum’s secret agreements. As the election of Dilma Rousseff becomes an indisputable fact, this catastrophic event will indubitably trigger the Final Phase of PT's diabolical objectives, the implementation of which will almost inevitably steal the democratic process and the freedom of expression from the Brazilian people, thereby transforming our free, joyous nation into yet another collective trap of oppression,
intimidation, and hardship to everyone…

On a closing personal note, my bleeding heart is crying for the loss of Brazil, my family and dear friends at the hands of totalitarianism!

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