Friday, December 19, 2008

A Tribute for a Great Brazilian Hero: General Osório, the Marquis of Herval – Bicentennial Celebration

The Brazilian Nation proudly celebrates in 2008, with great affection, the birth of one of its most memorable sons - the esteemed Marquis of Herval (born in May 10, 1808, at his Mother’s Ranch in the state of Rio Grande do Sul), who would grow to mark its place in the nation’s History as General Osório.

All Brazilian patriots, who conscientiously qualm about the future of their country in times of “great peril”, would undoubtedly honor the historical significance of valiant individuals whose lives and examples had profound influence upon the formation of their very character. Consequently, I feel compelled to wholeheartedly join my compatriots by warmly remembering this greatest of all heroes, who represents a Models of Courage and Valor whose life-time devotion is responsible not only for the strengthening of its institutions, but for contributing for the creation of the national identity!

After spending his entire youth in dedication for the service of his country, the Marquis’ greatest contributions transpired at an advanced age, when courage and valor became legendary among Brazilian and allied soldiers during the War of the Triple Alliance, a.k.a. Paraguayan War (whereby Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. Defeated Paraguay - 1864-1870).

The example of this great Brazilian enhances the absence of wisdom and patriotism noteworthy in the deplorable state of the current Brazilian political arena, where corruption, deception and weakness abounds vis-à-vis the dangerous ideological menace posed by Venezuela and Cuba, whose increasing influence in Brasilia not only alarms the nation but jeopardizes the national honor, peace and integrity…

Yet, echoing the views of General Gilberto Baborsa de Figueiredo,

I trust that Brazil is much bigger than the feeble entity represented by “these people without patriotism, honor, and character” that currently infest Brazilian politics today. Similar to this illustrious general, I firmly believe in the capacity of people to react against great adversity, as already demonstrated in diverse episodes of our history. Although we believe that the rule of law, along with the existing democratic mechanisms should enable Brazilians to revert this perverse situation, because Brazil deserves our collective faith in its future, it also demands close monitoring!

1 comment:

jimmy said...

The new Constitution does not set age limits: it determines that education is compulsory, aiming at providing the necessary structure to the development of the students potential as an element of selffulfillment, training for work, and conscious exercise of citizenship.