Monday, December 13, 2010


The key to a lasting peaceful coexistence on Earth possibly hinges upon the elimination of primitive, hate inspiring religious sects from the fabric of human societies. In fact, the outcome of such valiant endeavor might actually represent the quintessential factor upon which the very survival of our species hinges, while our determination to strive towards its successful completion would epitomize the notion of collective worthiness. Whilst such an extraordinary undertaking would demonstrate our capacity to evolve into a higher plane of existence, where Earth’s dominant species would be finally poised to reach the stars, its price tag today appears beyond our reach given the magnitude of the combined efforts required. Irrefutably, unless mankind splinters its multiple shackles of voluntary servitude, by completely undermining the global subservience to whimsical divine entities, thereby suppressing incongruous dogmatic beliefs imposed by “modern mythological sects”, this noble task is unlikely to ever be attained.

In essence, the existing myriad of so-called “religious institutions” deprive humanity of the ability to question fabled principles or legendary tenets, which might empower individuals to systematically challenge the validity of ancient tales and flippant allegories contained in archaic scrolls, many of which may have been possibly altered by theological scholars during the Middle Ages. They hold sway of our minds, depicting horrific visions of Hades with everlasting punishment. Furthermore, they virtually tend to categorize independent thought as blasphemous, whereas labeling its cohorts as heretic. Under these appalling circumstances, because the remaining primitive sects invariably contain significant groups of clashing concepts – related to tales of creationism as well as “divine commandments” - not to mention various types of “sins” - the notion of “guilt” was firmly ingrained in the human psyche in order to prevent disobedience, lest it might weaken or even sever their controlling tentacles.

Because these powerful organizations emerged and successfully held sway over significant cultures in nearly every continent, during a time when mankind lingered in a rather primeval juncture, too naïve and oblivious to the most fundamental scientific principles, these early creeds were in a position to hastily spread across vast regions, thereby establishing legitimacy as the rightful holders of sacred “truth,” and claiming the aptitude of providing the “righteous path” towards a purported state of "salvation." Although many of these sects were often based upon various ancient components of the rich, older Egyptian mythology, time and circumstance eventually elicited the gradual modification of several key details, thereby continuously transforming some core beliefs to the point of rendering them irretrievably divergent, even after many of them underwent dramatic renovation with the advent of monotheism. In essence, the resulting emergence of a growing number of distinct sectarian doctrines, set forth the source of a substantial number of conflicts due to cultural intolerance and religious warfare. To be sure, many antagonizing, irreconcilable postures are ultimately rooted upon the existence of distinctive primary belief systems that have been dividing men everywhere into opposing groups of “devout followers” and “wicked infidels”. Such deep-seated cleavage in turn triggered the gruesome concepts of blasphemy and apostasy, along with increased oppression, mass-exterminations and indescribable human suffering.

Given the multitude of contradictory philosophies (ideologies), any deeper analysis of current and historical conflicts will surely reveal that these fundamental and irreconcilable religious distinctions are generally the root cause of the overwhelming majority of bloody conflicts and fratricide wars across our planet. Undeniably, because during key periods of our known history, most religious establishments were either led or influenced by clever or deviant clerics, priests and imams - poised to manipulate “faithful believers” – our past is filled with innumerable episodes of tremendous suffering, torture, and slaughter of millions of innocent victims!

Interestingly, there are misguided intellectuals who advocate the idyllic notion whereby “the key to peaceful contentment lies in opening the symbols of the world's religions to everyone,” stressing a misconceived notion that sacred objects would "miraculously" provide the necessary strength for some individuals to attain "inner peace," and perform astonishing feats - often classified as “miracles”. While modern science remains unable to fully explain the source of some intangible talents, despite the accelerating inflow of significant discoveries, it is clear that the human brain is capable of inestimable accomplishments and represents the actual source of extraordinary skills to individuals with the innate capability of executing remarkable feat. When these exceptional people access certain unidentified areas of the brain, they may occasionally demonstrate unusual “talents”. Because some of these amazing exploits were observed, across the ages, by primitive societies, they have been historically portrayed as “miracles” based upon blind faith, and often also manipulated or exaggerated by medieval scholars, given mankind’s earlier inability to apply logic and scientific methodology.

Only the prevalence of sheer ignorance systematically sustains the validity of absurd legends and superstitious mores, endorsing and/or enhancing the ability of primitive existing sects to hold sway over vast segments of every society on Earth. Because this disagreeable condition still afflicts billions of people, who are unable to embrace logic over myth, dozens of religious institutions continue with the necessary power to influence or dominate the human mind. Hence, in light of their countless opposing dogmas, taking advantage of persistent ignorance worldwide, various mythological creeds will regrettably continue eliciting hatred among nations, thus representing the ultimate source of so much misery, injustice and conflict among the cultures of our troubled planet.

As if so much bickering over absurd allegorical symbolism and meaningless discussions over intangible issues or outrageous public rallies demanding the death of religious opponents would ever justify so much effort, pain and energy, let alone the loss of innocent human life… There is no limit to the extent of human folly and ruthlessness!

1 comment:

Augustus Aurelianus said...

David Coates

Your words are wise and truthful… Thus, I understand, empathize & agree with your views which reflect the unavoidable cause of the innumerable, unspeakable acts committed by humanity: the horrific nature of our species.

While those who belong to the disadvantaged classes remain immersed in ignorance, thus becoming victims of manipulation; the upper classes are essentially too self-centered, arrogant and moved by greed. Worsening this disagreeable pattern of submission and abuse, one finds significantly worse traits, driving mankind towards cruelty, neglect, and violence. Poor and rich alike, men are primarily of a selfish, dishonest and hypocritical nature, thereby triggering the destruction of Earth’s environments and the abuse of the lower species for its own advantage.

Moreover, because of this despicable condition, human history is filled with patterns of dominance and abuse by a variety of dominant classes which assume distinct banners in order to impose its view upon the masses. Feudal lords, religious clerics and socialist totalitarians have traditionally battled one another over the control of their respective societies, either by claiming traditional credentials of aristocratic rights, absurd prerogatives of divine guidance or hypocritical demands to revolutionary socialist “justice”.